Sunday, February 7, 2016

There's always a first post.

Welcome to the Old Tech Geezer, a blog I've been meaning to start for many years and a topic that has been close to my heart now for four decades. I've grown old playing around with computers and tech, and it's about time that I documented some of the joy in playing with the stuff, old and new.

I'll start when I left school, I don't see the point in discussing my Etch-A-Sketch.

Here's the first piece of kit that graced my palm, the type 3 Sinclair Cambridge calculator I bought in the West end of London in November of 1974 :

The Sinclair Cambridge cost me about sixteen quid at the time when I was earning thirteen a week before my "expenses" and it was already an obsolete model by the time I could afford it. That's the story of my life I will say, that whenever tech arrived in my life, others had been enjoying it for a year or more before it entered my life.

The Cambridge I owned had an interesting quirk, if you divided stuff by zero, it would go off into an endless counting mode, a function that would keep my small brain amused for hours.

In addition of course, you could spell BOOBS with it.

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