The online game I am playing is down for maintenance, so I decided that I would not start my Ryzen project today, so took the small case off the shelf and installed an ASUS A55M-E motherboard in there.
The motherboard has 24 pin power and 4 pin CPU power, so the power supply should be fine, the one thing it lacks is a 6 pin plug for the graphics card, so a lower wattage card will be considered, we will see.
First photos, you may recognize the Rosewill case from the T1700 project here on the blog from back in 2019. I transplanted all the innards from it into a solid Antec case that has become my primary test PC, so the little Rosewill was looking all lonely and dejected on the shelf, I felt it was time to give it a heartbeat once again.
You may notice that one of the stand offs does not have a screw in it, top left in the above photo. This became a very annoying five minutes as one screw ended up cross threaded and it would not go in, and more annoyingly, would not come out again. Typically it was the sixth stand off, not the first, so I ended up brute force cross threading it even more and then managed to extract it. I will leave it vacant to remind me that the brass post needs throwing away.
It is an older motherboard, socket FM2 with an AMD A8-5600K processor. I will see how noisy that short little CPU fan is and see if I can add a quieter solution. I'm not quite sure what the "FAN Xpert" banner means as I could only find one 4 pin fan header on the board and that is for the CPU cooler and one 3 pin chassis fan header. That really is it for fan options and looking online it appears that the only fan that is covered by the "Xpert" feature is the 4 pin, so it is just a PWM fan ahead of it's time I suppose and the 3 pin is standard.
There are a lot of these catchy banners peppered about on the motherboard, I've often wondered why they do that, perhaps just to encourage the initial sale of the item, odd though, it's akin to them having cars with banners like "handy steering wheel" or "floor for resting feet on" to encourage sales.
I am a little cranky today, hopefully maintenance on my silly game will be finished soon.
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