Thursday, September 17, 2020

The Brazilian versus the Singaporian

 Another HP-12C arrived today, again a Voyager model and this time the serial number is 2943B84989 which means that it was built in (1960)+29 = 1989 and perhaps week 43 in the Brazilian facility. The 84989 is the unit number and I wanted to identify differences between this one and the newer Singapore unit I received a few weeks ago.

First off, the slip case has slight differences, but that might be expected with items made in different countries, material is perhaps a slight shade of brown darker, edge pressing is deeper. If I had not taken a photo of the Singapore unit I would probably get them mixed up, except for that edge pressing which you can see on the following photo.

Top is Singapore, bottom is Brazilian.

They are both showing the result of the self test, which is switch off, hold down the on button, press the X button, release the on button, release the X button for this particular model.

The calculators look identical, however, there are subtle differences. On the 1994 Singapore unit the HP12C logo is mirror finish, the 1989 Brazilian has a brushed texture, gold plastic woodgrain almost which I think is more stylish.

The keys on both units are of the double shot molded type, that means they are durable and will last a long time. 

The flipsides....

The Singapore unit has the CE91 logo and the earlier Brazilian does not, but it does have the 871B battery type printed. The earlier unit also has thicker feet and weighs 114 grams (133 with case) versus 112 (130) for the Singapore calculator. 

So, comparison wise very similar, quality appears the same and just a few slight differences which is certainly not true for the (downhill) progression of the HP-12C to the present day incarnations.


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